Kazim Ali
MFA, New York University
Teaching interests: Poetry, cross-genre and hybrid writing, dance and performance studies, border studies, indigenous studies, translation theory and practice, literature and social movements. -
Amy Sara Carroll
Associate Professor
PhD, Duke University
MFA, Cornell University
Teaching interests: 20th and 21st-century Latin/x American art, literature, and cinema; transnational American and border studies; critical theory; cultural studies; ethnic studies; gender and sexuality studies; creative writing: poetry, creative non-fiction, performance, visual and e-literatures, cross-genre writing. -
Ben Doller
Associate Professor
MFA, University of Iowa
Teaching interests: Genre intersections, experimental writing, the politics of form, performance and sound poetries, typography and graphic design, small press publishing. -
Camille Forbes
Associate Professor
PhD, Harvard University
Teaching interests: Short story, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, historical fiction. -
Lily Hoàng
Associate Professor
MFA, University of Notre Dame
Teaching interests: Fiction, non-fiction, flash prose, fairy tales, experimental forms. -
Jac Jemc
Associate Teaching Professor
MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Teaching interests: Fiction, experimental forms, and speculative fiction. -
Casandra Lopez
Assistant Professor
Brandon Som
Associate Professor
PhD, Literature and Creative Writing, University of Southern California; MFA, Poetry, University of Pittsburgh
Teaching interests: 20th- and 21st century poetry, transpacific literature, Asian-American and Chicanx poetry, citational poetics, sound studies. -
Anna Joy Springer
Associate Professor
MFA, Brown University
Teaching interests: Graphic texts and comics, punk rock, feminist ethics, anti-establishment literatures, Buddhist praxis, radical literary arts pedagogies. -
Marco Wilkinson
Assistant Professor
MFA, University of Southern Maine
Teaching interests: Creative nonfiction, ecopoetics, lyric prose, Latinx literature, and queer literature.
Affiliated Faculty
Carol Arcos Herrera
Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Chile
Teaching interests: 20th-century and contemporary Chilean and Latin American literature, gender, sexuality, and feminist studies, psychoanalysis, activism and social movements. -
Gabriel Bámgbósé
Assistant Professor
PhD, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Teaching interests: Poetry and comparative poetics; Black modernist poetics and philosophy; continental, archipelagic, and diasporic African literatures; African women’s poetry; African folklore and popular culture; Black/African feminist, postcolonial, and decolonial thoughts; translation and critical literacy studies. -
Jody Blanco
Associate Professor
PhD, UC Berkeley
Teaching interests: 16th-19th-century Spanish Empire in the Americas and the Philippines, colonial roots of globalization, comparative forms of imperialism and anti-colonial struggles, postcolonial studies, literary/cultural histories of the Philippines and its diaspora. -
Ignacio Carvajal
Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Teaching interests: Indigenous responses to colonialism and evangelization during the early colonial period; pedagogical approaches to Indigenous language learning; Central American literatures and cultures; Poetry; Translation, and Digital Humanities. -
Gloria Chacon
Associate Professor
PhD, UC Santa Cruz
Teaching interests: Indigenous literatures of the Americas, Chican@/Latin@ literary and cultural movements, Central American poetics and politics, US Central Americans, and Latin American literary and cultural theories. -
Alain J.-J. Cohen
PhD, UC Los Angeles
Teaching interests: Clinical and theoretical psychoanalysis, film studies, aesthetics and philosophy, literary theory, semiotics. -
Géraldine Fiss
Associate Professor
PhD, Harvard University
Teaching interests: Early modern, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, intellectual history and film; Cultural translation in East Asia; East-West literary, aesthetic and cinematic relations; Modern and contemporary Chinese poetry; Chinese and transnational modernisms; The fantastic in East Asian literature and film; Chinese women's literature and film, East Asian ecocriticism. -
Amelia Glaser
PhD, Stanford University
Teaching interests: 19th- and 20th-century Russian literature, modern Yiddish literature, comparative literature, translation studies, transnational Jewish literature, the literatures of Ukraine. -
Shelley Streeby
PhD, UC Berkeley
Teaching interests: American Studies, Critical Ethnic Studies, speculative fiction, social movements led by Indigenous people and people of color, radical transnational movements of the 1880s-1920s, climate change, digital humanities, transnationalism. -
Kathryn Walkiewicz
Assistant Professor
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Teaching interests: Native American and Indigenous studies, early U.S. literature and culture, nineteenth-century literature and culture, hemispheric studies, print culture, and formations of U.S. empire.
Rae Armantrout
Professor Emerita
MA,San Francisco State
Michael Davidson
Professor Emeritus
Seth Lerer
Distinguished Professor
PhD, University of Chicago
Eileen Myles
Professor Emeritus
BA, University of Massachusetts
Pasquale Verdicchio