- m2wilkinson@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-1750
Arts & Humanities Bldg (RWAC)
Room 341
Mail Code: 0410
Assistant Professor
Marco Wilkinson is a writer and translator. His lyric memoir, MADDER: A Memoir in Weeds, was published by Coffee House Press. His translation of "Divine Invention, or The Celebration of Love" by Franco-Uruguayan playwright Sergio Blanco, was published as a chapbook by Albion Books. His work can be found in Kenyon Review, DIAGRAM, Seneca Review, Ecotone, ASSAY: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies, and elsewhere. He has received fellowships from Breadloaf Environmental Writers' Conference, Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Montalvo Arts, Craigarden, the Hemera Foundation, and Crosshatch Center for Art and Ecology.
Pronouns: he/they | él/elle
Languages: Spanish, French