- gfiss@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-3563
Arts & Humanities Bldg (RWAC)
Room 351
Mail Code: 0410
Associate Teaching Professor
Géraldine Fiss (許潔琳) received her Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University and is an Associate Teaching Professor in Inter-Asia and Transpacific Studies at UCSD Literature, where she teaches modern Chinese literature, film, intellectual history, and aesthetics. Her research focuses on Chinese literary and cinematic modernisms; Chinese-German literary, poetic, and cinematic encounters; Chinese women’s literature and film; Chinese science fiction; and Chinese ecocritical discourses. She also studies the classical East Asian humanities and their continued influence on contemporary literature, culture, and thought. In her current work, she examines modern and contemporary Chinese poetry and cinema, and the trans-cultural influences that inform these literary and visual modes. She is the author of “From Du Fu to Rilke and Back: Feng Zhi’s Modernist Aesthetics and Poetic Practice” in Chinese Poetic Modernisms (Brill, 2019) and is currently writing a book titled Chinese-German Encounters in the Early 20th Century: Textual Travels and Traveling Texts.
Pronouns: she/her
Languages: English, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish
Affiliated Faculty: Chinese Studies Program