Question: Does Facilities Managment clean every office at night (vacuuming, emptying trask, dusting, etc)? Answer: From the Facilities Management Website: "Yes, we do clean every night, but we perform different functions each evening. Refer to our List of UCSD Cleaning Services for a detailed daily schedule."
Question: How do I request a repair for something in my office (door, lock/handle, window, etc.)? Answer: Contact Amanda Hsu for any facilities-related repair issues. If you are on campus outside of normal working hours and you need immediate assistance, contact Facilities Management.
Question: Help! I'm locked out of my office! How do I get in? Answer: Please call the lock shop (858) 534-2930 from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm weekdays. After 4:30 pm and before 7:00 am weekdays, and all day on the weekends, call the campus Police Department (858) 534-4357. You must show identification to both Facilities Management and the police.
Question: My office is too hot (or too cold)! Who do I contact? Answer: The number to call to report AC/heating issues is: (858) 534-2930 (Facilities Mangement Referral Desk): For example (using room 352): "Hello, I'm calling from 6th College Bldg 1/Ridge Walk Room 352. I wish to report a loss of heat."
Question: How do I do [such-and-such] on my office phone? Answer: Check out this quick reference guide: Desktop Phones
Shared Spaces
Question: Where is the faculty lounge & mailroom? Answer: Ridgewalk Academic Complex (RWAC), Arts & Humanities Building, Room 386. Active faculty can access the room using their campus ID.
Question: Who do I contact for a repair needed in Literature space (bathrooms, water fountains, hallway doors, non-technology items in classrooms and event rooms, etc.)? Answer: ContactAmanda Hsufor any facilities-related repair issues. If you are on campus outside of normal working hours and you need immediate assistance, contactFacilities Management.
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