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Kazim Ali


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Kazim Ali is the author of over twenty books in multiple genres, including poetry, fiction, memoir, and literary studies. His research and teaching interests include Creative Writing and Literary Arts, Indigenous Studies, Global Anglophone Literature, Palestine and Palestinian Diaspora Studies, as well as Translation and Translation Studies. His book Northern Light: Power, Land, and the Memory of Water won the Banff Mountain Environmental Book Award in 2021. From 2021-2024, he served as Chair of the Literature Department. He is the founder of the small press Nightboat Books.

Pronouns: he/him, they/them

Languages: English, French

Black Buffalo Woman book coverSukun book coverIndian Winter book coverResident Alien book coverNew Moons Anthology book cover


  • Black Buffalo Woman: An Introduction to the Poetry and Poetics of Lucille Clifton, BOA Editions.  LINK
  • Sukun: New and Selected Poems, Wesleyan University Press  LINK
  • Indian Winter, Coach House Books  LINK
  • Resident Alien: On Border-crossing and the Undocumented Divine, University of Michigan Press  LINK
  • Northern Light: Power, Land, and the Memory of Water, Milkweed Editions  LINK
  • When the Night Agrees to Speak to Me, Ananda Devi, translated by Kazim Ali, Deep Vellum  LINK
  • New Moons: Contemporary Writing by North American Muslims, edited by Kazim Ali, Red Hen Press  LINK
  • The Secret Room: A String Quartet, Kaya Press  LINK
  • Silver Road: Essays, Maps, and Calligraphies, Tupelo Press  LINK
  • Bright Felon: Autobiography and Cities, Wesleyan University Press  LINK
  • M.F.A. in Creative Writing, New York University, 2001
  • M.A. in English, University at Albany, 1995
  • B.A. in English, University at Albany, 1993