Planning for Study Abroad
- Visit and follow the Get Started ( steps.
- Once you have selected a particular program, follow the How To Apply ( steps.
Tips for selecting your study abroad courses, if intending to apply them to Literature major or minor requirements:
- Review your degree audit to see which unfulfilled major or minor requirements are the most broad. Then, review our course catalog to see the scope and descriptions of the courses that apply to those requirements. Do not just rely on the names of the requirements to make assumptions of what courses should apply. In order for your future petition(s) for major or minor credit to be approved, the course(s) must clearly fit within the scope of our applicable courses.
- Do not count on being able to fulfill very specific requirements while study abroad.
- Review the "Pre-approved EAP Courses" section below, to see which courses have already been approved for credit towards Literature major (or minor) requirements in the past. This is a good reference for the type of courses you should be looking for at your study abroad institutions.
Later, when you petition the courses, the department will be looking for these minimum requirements for major or minor credit:
- Course was taken for a letter grade
- Course received a grade of C- or better
- Course has posted to your UCSD academic history with at least 4.0 units of credit
- Course has posted to your UCSD academic history with the appropriate class level (lower vs. upper division) for the requirement being petitioned
- Course and coursework was done in the appropriate language for the requirement being petitioned
- Course content matches the department's intention for the requirement being petitioned
NOTE: We cannot confirm major or minor credit prior to your departure. Final confirmation must wait until the courses have posted to your UCSD academic history and you have submitted your course materials and petition to the department for review.
During Study Abroad
Enjoy your experience! Take lots of photos! Connect with other students!
For your courses, keep copies of your syllabus and any final papers written for the course. You will need to include these with your petition for credit once you return (even if the course is on the "pre-approved" EAP course list).
Once You Return
Welcome back! As you settle back into UCSD, periodically check your academic history to see if your study abroad coursework details and grades have posted. After the coursework has fully posted,
- Determine which course(s) you wish to petition towards which Literature major or minor requirement(s).
- Be sure to re-review the expectations listed in the "Planning for Study Abroad" section above.
- Note: Study abroad courses may post for 6.0 or more units of credit. In some cases, depending on the particular major or minor requirement, these courses (or combinations of these courses) may be able to count as more than one course for the requirement. For example, two 6-unit courses focused on Spanish Literature (taught in Spanish) could be petitioned to count as credit for three 4-unit upper division LTSP courses for the Literatures in Spanish major or minor.
- For each separate course, fill out an Undergraduate Petition.
- In the "Request" field, list the course number (that appears on your UCSD academic history), the study abroad institution, and the specific Literature major or minor requirement you want it to count towards (referencing the requirement name on your degree audit). For example:
Requesting that ENGL 105 (King's College, University of London, England) from study abroad apply to the Literatures in English major's "British Literature before 1660 (a)" requirement. - In the "Reason for Request" field - assuming the course meets all the minimum requirements and has clearly relevant course content, you may simply reference your planned graduation timeline. For example:
To receive appropriate credit for my study abroad coursework and stay on track to graduate in Spring 2025. - If the course is not a clear fit for the specific major requirement, write a brief statement of justification (on a separate document) with as much details as you can provide. If there are extenuating circumstances that you would like taken into account, include that information in your statement.
- In the "Request" field, list the course number (that appears on your UCSD academic history), the study abroad institution, and the specific Literature major or minor requirement you want it to count towards (referencing the requirement name on your degree audit). For example:
- Email the completed Undergraduate Petition, the statement of justification (if applicable), the course syllabus, and the final paper written (if applicable) to
The petition(s) will be reviewed by the department and students will receive a notification within the VAC once decisions have been made.
If the petitioned course is on a "Pre-Approved EAP Courses for Literature" list, it may still be denied for major (or minor) credit - if it does not meet the minimum requirements. In addition, the course will be reviewed to confirm that the content did not differ significantly from the course description. If the course is significantly different, it may need to be petitioned for different credit than what has been previously approved.
Pre-Approved EAP Courses
Here you will find our lists of "pre-approved" study abroad courses (EAP only). These are courses that UC students have taken in the recent past, which have been approved by our department to count towards Literature major and/or minor requirements. Students may take these same classes and receive the credit listed, as long as the minimum requirements are met (see the "Planning for Study Abroad" section above).
Alternately, students can explore these lists to get a better idea of the types of courses that are likely to be approved. The lists below represent just a small sample of what is available to students in the many study abroad programs, so this list is a starting point for choosing classes. Don't limit yourself!