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Amelia Glaser


Ph.D. (Stanford)

Endowed Chair in Judaic Studies

Office Hours

Fall 2023 Syllabi: LTRU150/LTEU154LTCO285

UCSD Hellman Fellow
On leave 2021-22 at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study

Russian Literature (19th and 20th Century); Modern Yiddish Literature; Comparative Literature; Cultural Studies; Transnational Jewish Literature; The Literatures of Ukraine.

Amelia Glaser received a BA from Oberlin College in Comparative Literature in 1997, an MSt. from the University of Oxford in Yiddish in 2000, and a Ph.D in Comparative Literature from Stanford University in 2004. She held fellowships at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute and the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and was a lecturer in Jewish Studies and at the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies at Stanford University before joining UCSD's Literature Department in 2006. Her research and teaching interests include Russian literature and film, transnational Jewish literature, the literatures of Ukraine, the literature of immigration to the US, the Russian critical tradition, and translation theory and practice. She is currently writing about poetry in contemporary Ukraine.

Mentoring Philosophy 

Graduate Advisees:

Xiaojiao Wang (Ph.D in Comparative Literature, 2022) Dissertation: "Constructing Juvenescent Spaces: Youth Mobilizations, Utopian Communities, and Law in Shanghai and Paris, 1910s-1970s"

Julia Fermentto Tzaisler (Ph.D in Comparative Literature, 2020) Dissertation: "Flesh and Blood: The Metaphorics of Meat in Modern. Jewish Culture"

Kevin Hart (Ph.D in Comparative Literature, 2018) Dissertation: "The Knower and the Known: Problems of Epistemology and Social Science in Popular Detective and Modernist Fiction"

Teresa Kuruc (Ph.D in Comparative Literature, 2018) Dissertation: "Cognitive Counterparts: The Literature of Eastern Europe’s Volatile Political Times, 1917-2017"

Yuliya Ladygina (Ph.D in Comparative Literature, 2013) Dissertation: "Narrating the Self in the Mass Age: Olha Kobylianska in the European Fin-de-Siècle and Its Aftermath, 1886-1936"

Margarita Levantovskaia (Ph.D in Comparative Literature, 2013) Dissertation: "Rootless Cosmopolitans: Literature of the Soviet-Jewish Diaspora"

Sarika Talve-Goodman (Ph.D in Cultural Studies, 2015) Dissertation: "Hysterical Loss: The Poetics of Illness in Modern Jewish Culture”


tradition.jpg A Short Course in Molotov Cocktails, poems translated from Ukrainian by Amelia M. Glaser and Yuliya Ilchuk ( Arrowsmith Press, Spring 2023)
songs in dark times.jpg Songs in Dark Times: Yiddish Poetry of Struggle from Scottsboro to Palestine (Harvard University Press, 2020) [ Winner of the 2021 Schnitzer Award in Jewish Literature and Linguistics]
comeintern aesthetics Comintern Aesthetics. Edited by Amelia M. Glaser and Steven S. Lee. (University of Toronto Press, 2020)
stories of khmelntsky Stories of Khmelnytsky: Competing Literary Legacies of the 1648 Ukrainian Cossack Uprising. Ed. by AG. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015.
jews and ukranians.jpg Jews and Ukrainians in Russia’s Literary Borderlands: From the Shtetl Fair to the Petersburg Bookshop. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2012. Paperback, 2016. [Subvention for a first monograph, Mellon Slavic Studies Initiative; Long-listed for the 2015 Historia Nova Prize for the best book on Russian Intellectual History, Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation and Academic Studies Press]
Proletpen-Americas-Rebel-Yiddish-Poets.jpg  Proletpen: America’s Rebel Yiddish Poets. AG and David Weintraub, Ed., Trans. from the Yiddish and annotated by AG. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2005. Paperback, 2012. [MLA Fenia and Yaakov Leviant   Memorial Prize for Translation in Yiddish Studies and CHOICE Award for Outstanding Academic Titles]
Scholarly Articles
  "Localizing the Pogrom: Jewish Leftist Poets on Palestine, 1929,” Dibur, Issue 9-10, 2021 (
  “Gogol’s Other Coat: Transnationalism in Russia’s Literary Borderlands in Andy Byford and Connor Doak, Eds., Transnational Russian Literature (Liverpool University Press, 2020)    
  “Maxim Gorky’s ‘Pogrom’: Jewish Victimhood and Russian Revolutionary Thought,” Shofar, Spring 2019    
  “Mixed Into Nothingness: Moyshe Nadir, World War II, and the Poetics of Teshuvah,” Modernism/Modernity, January 2019  
  “Still Life with Leftover Schnitzel: Nonna Slepakova’s Poetics of Time” in Angela Brintlinger and Anastasia Lakhtikova, Eds, Seasoned Socialism: Gender and Food in Late Soviet Everyday Life (Indiana University Press, 2019)
  "Jewish Alienation through a Ukrainian Looking Glass: David Hofshteyn's Translations of Taras Shevchenko" in Prooftexts, V. 36, No. 1-2, 2017 pp. 83-110   
  Amelia Glaser and Taras Koznarsky. "Chmielnitzki/Khmelnytsky."  Oxford Bibliographies in "Jewish Studies". Ed. David Biale . New York: Oxford University Press, July 26, 2017  
 " Between the Marketplace and Enlightenment: Gogol and Rabinovich’s Ukrainian Memory Space," Jews and Slavs 25 (Jerusalem: Philobiblon, 2016) 176-196
 «Конармия» И. Бабеля: между фактом и вымыслом“ in  И. Бабель в историческом и литературном контексте: ХХI век. (Moscow: Knizhniki, 2016)

 "From Jewish Jesus to Black Christ: Race Violence in Leftist Yiddish Poetry" in Studies in American Jewish Literature Vol. 34, No. 1 2015 (44-69)
 "The Idea of Yiddish: Towards a Re-globalization of North American Jewish Culture," The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Jewish Cultures, ed. Nadia Valmen and Laurence Roth (Routledge, 2014)
 Between Nation and Class: Natalia Kobrynska’s Jewish Characters, Polin Volume 26, ed. Yohanan Petrovsky-Stern and Antony Polansky, November 2013
 "My Scattered Souls: The Multiplicity of Being in Amelia Rosselli’s English Poetry," Universals & Contrasts, 1 (2012)
 "Introduction: Russian-American Fiction Special Issue," Slavic and East European Journal (SEEJ) Vol. 55, Issue 1 (2011): 15-18
 "A Shout from Somewhere: The Early Work of Peretz Markish" in A Captive of the Dawn: The Life and Work of Peretz Markish (1895-1952), ed. Joseph Sherman, Gennady Estraikh, Jordan Finkin, and David Shneer, Oxford: Legenda Studies in Yiddish Vol. 9, 2011: 50-65
 "Russian-Jewish Assimilation and the Poetics of Apostasy" in Modern Jewish Literatures: Intersections and Boundaries, ed. Sheila Jelen, Michael P. Kramer and L. Scott Lerner, Philadelphia: U. Penn Press, 2011: 66-82
 "A Little World in Transition: Jewish Culture and the Russian Revolution," Shofar Vol. 29, N. 1 (Fall 2010): 137-144
 "From Polylingual to Postvernacular: Imagining Yiddish in the Twenty-first Century," Jewish Social Studies (December 2008): 150-164
 "Sunday Morning in Balta: Reading the May Laws as a Redemption Narrative," East European Jewish Studies (December 2007): 299-317
 "The End of the Bazaar: Revolutionary Eschatology in the Works of Isaac Babel' and Peretz Markish,"" in Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe (2005): 5-32
 "Family Sayings, Part II"" by Natalia Ginzburg (trans. From the Italian and introduced by AG), in Maggid: A Journal of Jewish Culture (December 2005): 49-66
 "Rashel Mironovna Khin i begstvo ot 'Torgovki,'" Gendernye Issledovanie (2003): 1-7
  Selected short, online essays for a general readership
  “More than War Songs: What Ukraine’s Poets Teach Us about Language and Community,” in AJS Perspectives, Fall 2022
  “Dogged Descent” (on Serhii Zhadan), TLS (September, 2021)
  “Post-truth” (on Oleg Sentsov), TLS (May, 2020)
  Putin's Phantom Pogroms (The New York Times, March 2014)
 "Looking beyond campus protests" (UT San Diego, May 2013)
  "In Baba Yaga's Hut" (The Times Literary Supplement, May 2013)
 "Messages in a Bottle" (Jewish Quarterly, September 2008)
  Select public lectures and podcasts, available online
  “Songs in Dark Times,” Radcliffe Institute, 2021
  " Dovid Hofshteyn’s Kyiv,” Public lecture for the Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2019
Photo by Patrick Hennessey/UC San Diego Division of Arts and Humanities
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