- lmartincabrera@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-3468
6th College Bldg 1/Ridge Walk
Room 234
Mail Code: 0410
Luis Martín-Cabrera
Associate Professor
- Profile
- Publications
- Research/Creative Interests
Ph.D. (University of Michigan)
M.A. (Yale University)
Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Cultural Studies
Office HoursUCSD Hellman Fellow
Affiliated Faculty of CILAS (Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies)
Affiliated Faculty of Ethnic Studies
Professor Martín-Cabrera is a specialist of Spanish and Latin American Cultural studies. He was originally trained as a comparatist of Spanish and Latin American Culture (Transatlantic studies). Over the past years. He has authored several publications related to the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America, and the intersections of these two geographical areas. His research focuses on the relationship between popular culture, popular subjectivities, and social justice. By popular culture he understands several expressions including literature, but also TV series, films, hip-hop music, punk, documentaries, and other forms of community-based storytelling such as digital oral history. He sees the analysis of popular culture as a fertile battleground to understand the multiple meanings of justice and its material consequences.
Radical Justice: Spain and the Southern Cone beyond Market and State. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, August 2011. [Spanish Edition: Justicia Radical: Una interpretación psicoanalítica de las postdictaduras de España y el Cono Sur. Trad. Pablo Abufon, prólogo de Jaime Concha. Barcelona: Anthropos, 2016]
Insurgencias invisibles: Resistencias y militancias en Estados Unidos. Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2015. [Second Edition. With a prologue by Franck Gaudichaud. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Proyección, 2016.]
Fuera de la ley: Asedios a fenómeno quinqui en la transición a la democracia. (eds.) Joaquín Florido Berrocal, Luis Martín-Cabrera, Eduardo Matos Martín y Roberto Robles Valencia. Serie Constelaciones. Granada: Comares, 2015.
Transandean Lithium Project (under construction)
• [Preview English] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyuVOANX_ps
• [Preview Spanish] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmhEQ-Pbl_Q
The Spanish Civil War Memory Project: http://libraries.ucsd.edu/speccoll/scwmemory/
"Ecribo Rap con R de Revolución: Hip-hop y subjetividades populares en el Chile Actual (2006-2013)" A Contracorriente, A Journal of Social History and Literature in Latin America, Fall 2016. http://acontracorriente.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/acontracorriente/article/view/1513
"La memoria en el closet: duelo, homonormatividad y herencia paterna en el último cine de Pedro Almodóvar" Revista de ALCES XXI, núm. 0, 2012, p.p.86-131 http://www.rebelion.org/docs/149704.pdf
"The Potentiality of the Commons: A Materialist Critique of Cognitive Capitalism from the Cyberbracer@s to the "Ley Sinde", Hispanic Review: Fall 2012, 583-605.
Los estudios culturales y la crisis financiera en el Estado Español: "Introducción" and "Contra la suspensión de la Mirada crítica: reflexiones sobre la persistencia del conflicto capital/trabajo en la cultura contemporánea española". Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, vol. 14, 2010: p.p.11-138.
"Después del final de la historia: la memoria de la militancia revolucionaria en la novelística Argentina contemporánea" Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, 2009 (69): p.p. 305-325.
With Daniel Noemí Voinmaa. "Class Conflict, State of Exception and Radical Justice in Machuca by Andrés Wood" Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. 16:1, March 2007, pp.63-80.
"Postcolonial Memories and Racial Violence in Flores de otro mundo." Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 3:1, 2002, p.p.43-56
Public Engagement and Media Appearances
"La última lección de Josefina Ludmer" La Raza Cómica, December 15, 2016. http://razacomica.cl/sitio/2016/12/15/la-ultima-leccion-de-josefina-ludmer/
Interview with Libreria Cazarbet, el sueño igualitario."Los conflictos sociales en EEUU se han expresado más en términos raciales que de lucha de clases" October 12, 2015, http://www.nuevatribuna.es/articulo/sociedad/insurgencias-invisibles/20151012115245121171.html
Interview with Enric Llopis "¿Con o sobre?" El Viejo topo, May 2015.
Interview with Corina Tulbure, "Las prisiones de EE.UU. son las nuevas plantaciones de esclavos", Diario Público (Spain), March 13, 2015. http://www.publico.es/internacional/martin-cabrera-prisiones-eeuu-son.html
Radio 3 (Spanish Public Radio) Review of "Insurgencias Invisibles: Militancias y Resistencias en Estados Unidos", Coordenadas, March, 3, 2015. http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/coordenadas/coordenadas-duele-siria-11-03-15/3039413/
"Pensando a contracorriente y con la propia cabeza". Conversations with Luis Martín-Cabrera about Theory, Politics, and Culture). Ebook edited by Salvador López Arnal with an Introduction by Clara Valverde and an Epilogue by Oriol Romaní. http://marxismocritico.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/181703.pdf
Video Interview UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain) "Exhumar una fosa común", August 1, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlDxpiHvH-w&feature=youtu.beç
Interview with Isabel G. Caballero. "La Ley de Memoria Histórica es una ley de punto final, un cálculo politico", Nueva Tribuna, Spanish Newspaper, November 22, 2010 http://www.nuevatribuna.es/articulo/sociedad/-la-ley-de-memoria-historica-es-una-ley-de-punto-final-un-calculo-politico/20101122032848039080.html