- jsanchezcruz@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-5665
Arts & Humanities Bldg (RWAC)
Room 389
Mail Code: 0410
Assistant Professor
Jorge Sánchez Cruz is a native of the Central Valleys of Oaxaca and a scholar of 19th to 21st century Latin American literature, culture, and thought, with an emphasis on Mexico. Their research shows how aesthetic creations by Indigenous, queer, trans*, and undocumented subjects reflect and are grounded in the racial and gendered paradigms shaped by the afterlives of slavery and colonization. Gender and sexuality studies, continental philosophy, Indigenous studies, queer theory, and decolonial thought contour their pedagogy and research inquiries.
Their current manuscript, Aesthetics of Repair: AIDS, Race, and Sexual Politics in the Americas, explores literature and visual culture in 1980s and 1990s Mexico and Chile. This book is embedded in the “reparative turn.” It probes that if often the AIDS pandemic has been seen through loss, death, and disappearance, it too can be reimagined through affirmative worldly inhabitations— like joy, intimacy, and community praxes—enacted by racialized sexual dissidents as enduring strategies in sight of catastrophe.
Their work has appeared and is forthcoming in Social Text, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, La Ventana: Revista de Estudios de Género, Harvard’s Review of Latin America, Mester, among other venues. They are the co-editor of the forthcoming book Teoría Queer/Cuir en México (Editorial Signos).
Sánchez Cruz is also working a second project that investigates the re-actualization of colonialism and coloniality in the Mexican South, specifically in the Coastal Region of Oaxaca. Developments of this project have appeared in Revista: Harvard’s Review of Latin America and as “Apuntes para un giro queer decolonial” in Teoría Queer/Cuir en México.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), UPenn’s Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies, The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, and Harvard University’s Provostial Fund for the Arts and the Humanities have funded their research and pedagogy.
Before UCSD, Sánchez Cruz held academic appointments at Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and Northwestern University.
Pronouns: any pronoun series
Languages: Spanish, English, some Portuguese