- jmyerston@ucsd.edu
6th College Bldg 1/Ridge Walk
Room 289
Mail Code: 0410
Jacobo Myerston
Associate Professor
- Profile
- Publications
- Research/Creative Interests
Ph.D. (Univeristy of Chicago)
Office HoursJacobo Myerston studied Classics in Venezuela and holds a PhD in Ancient Mediterranean Studies from the University of Chicago and M.As in Greek Philology and Comparative Religions from the University of Tübingen, Germany. He is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Literature and core-faculty in the Program of Classical Studies. As a comparativist, he is primarily interested in ancient Greek and Sumero-Akkadian texts, which he approaches from various perspectives including cultural studies as well as computational sociology and linguistics. Besides his focus on ancient Greece and the literatures of ancient Iraq, Jacobo is also interested in how the people of Latin American have studied and interpreted the ancient world. His research has been published in the journals ‘Trends in Classics’ and ‘Classical Receptions’, and he is the author of a book on cosmology and pre-Platonic theories of language.
Language and Cosmos in Greece and Mesopotamia, 2023, Cambridge University Press |
“Variations on Violence in Akkadian and Greek Succession Myths.” Trends in Classics 14 (1): 1–35, 2022
“The Classicist in the Cave: Bolaño’s Theory of Reading in by Night in Chile.” Classical Receptions Journal, 8(4), 554–573, 2016.
“Divine Names in the Derveni Papyrus and Mesopotamian Hermeneutics.” Trends in Classics, 5(1), 74–110, 2013.
Computational Projects Online:
Diogenet: Intellectual Networks of the Ancient World (https://diogenet.ucsd.edu)
Ancient Greek Syntax Analyzer (https://huggingface.co/spaces/Jacobo/syntax)
greCy: Ancient Greek models for spaCy (https://github.com/jmyerston/greCy)