- amdhar@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-3826
Arts & Humanities Bldg (RWAC)
Room 237
Mail Code: 0410
Assistant Professor
I grew up in Calcutta and studied at the universities of Jadavpur (India), Cambridge (UK), and Michigan (USA). Before coming to UC San Diego, I taught at The Ohio State University.
I study and teach courses in early modern literature, disability studies, critical race and postcolonial studies, migration studies, and the environmental humanities. I am also a climber and mountaineer, and work and write on world mountaineering literatures.
As a scholar of literature and as a mountaineer, I am deeply invested in understanding embodiment, difference, and even as I use it, the tool that enables me to think about these and much else: language.
As a teacher, I am fiercely invested in my students’ intellectual growth and well-being.
I have written on a range of topics, including blind poetics, theatre and disability, premodern critical race studies, social justice pedagogy, Shakespeare adaptations and caste, teaching race and migration, the colonial/postcolonial Renaissance, Miltonic legacies in nineteenth-century Bengali literature, and mountain travel writing. This work has been supported over the years by large grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Huntington Library, the School of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University, and the Academic Senate of the University of California San Diego.
My first monograph project is entitled Milton’s Blind Language and Disability Poetics. It is a study of the workings of blindness towards the making of seventeenth-century English poet and polemic John Milton’s poetic language in his years of partial and complete loss of sight.
I am also the Director of the Shakespeare in the “Post”Colonies Project, which hosts a series of open-access digital interviews with leading postcolonial Shakespeareans from around the world.
Pronouns: she, her
Languages: Bengali, Hindi, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish