Program Handbook
- UCSD Graduate Overview
- Lit Dept & MFA Overview
- Financial Support
- Program: Year 1
- Program: Year 2
- Program: Year 3
Updated January 2025
Below is an overview of the department-wide resources, policies, and procedures that apply to the MFA Program.
The MFA Director is your primary advisor until you select a Committee Chair during Spring quarter of your first year, at which point your Committee Chair will become your primary advisor. You may select a Committee Chair sooner; please confirm with them that they are available to work with you, and then notify the advising staff (at
Please meet with your primary advisor at least once per quarter during office hours or by appointment. You are responsible for arranging the meeting.
Feel free to seek advising from any MFA faculty member. Here is a general overview of their areas of responsibility.
We also encourage you to seek advising from faculty outside of the MFA Program and Literature about research topics. It is a great way to get to know faculty who might want to serve as your non-Literature committee member.
The department has several staff who support graduate students, and they available to help you navigate to your degree. You can always reach department staff at They can assist with a wide variety of academic, administrative, and student life issues, such as—
The department staff also assist the MFA Director with all program- and student-related matters.
Please reach out to whenever you have a question or encounter an obstacle. Also, please specifically reach out to the staff advisors each quarter to check on your degree progress.
The Literature Graduate Student Committee (LGSC) is a student committee that represents all Literature graduate students. The LGSC consists of six members, including one Chair, one Co-Chair, and five representatives—one from each section of the PhD program in Literature (Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, English, and Spanish), and one from the MFA program.
All members have a vote in the LGSC business. In the event of a tie, the LGSC Chair will cast the deciding vote. The LGSC meets at least once each quarter during the academic year and can be called into special session by the LGSC Chair or by petition of any three graduate students in Literature. All graduate students in the Department are allowed to attend LGSC meetings.
The LGSC represents student interests concerning all Departmental policy decisions that affect PhD and MFA students It also makes suggestions on graduate seminar offerings. It takes the responsibility, when necessary, of asking the Department Chair to modify section offerings to accommodate student needs (based on a survey of student opinions).
The LGSC Chair and Co-Chair serve as non-voting representatives on the faculty Doctoral Affairs Committee (DAC) and convey LGSC concerns for the PhD Program to the Director of Doctoral Studies (DDS) and to the DAC in its quarterly meetings. However, they will be recused from participation when the DAC meetings discuss graduate student awards, grants, fellowships, and other financial support and employment issues. The LGSC Chair and Co-Chair will convey LGSC concern for the MFA Program directly to the MFA Director.
The LGSC Chair and Co-Chair may be invited to attend the Executive Committee (EC) meetings when discussions concern matters affecting graduate students. However, the LGSC Chair and Co-Chair have no voting privileges in such meetings and will not be invited when the EC meetings discuss graduate student awards, grants, fellowships, and other financial support and employment issues.
You can view the current LGSC members here: Graduate Program Leadership.
The MFA Program in Writing welcomes brave and innovative writers and encourages the formation of mutually supportive, inspiring literary communities. The intimate nature of the program allows students to work very closely with writing faculty and each other within the quarterly cross-genre workshop.
The MFA program is a two- to three-year residency program foregrounding the interconnectedness of literary arts practice, modes of production and distribution, and the rigorous study of literatures, arts, and cultures.
All graduate writing workshops are cross-genre and often interdisciplinary, investigating and often undermining a studio-versus-academic distinction in advanced literary education. Moreover, the program encourages interdisciplinary research and holistic approaches to teaching and learning. Therefore, teaching creative-critical reading and writing skills as a Teaching Assistant is a popular choice among all Writing students in the MFA program, most of whom are eligible for scholarships and fellowships in addition to union-represented compensation for Teaching Assistant work.
Program participants are encouraged to focus exclusively on writing, teaching, research, and art-making during their residency, allowing writers to integrate pedagogical training and artistic practice as a way to prepare for future scholarly endeavors while creating a book-length work of literature. To that end, each quarterly cross-genre workshop discusses writing-in-progress and published works in terms of poetics, prosody, and literary conventions alongside the interrelationship between aesthetic intervention/ experiment and radical social change across cultures, nations, regions, and movements.
While each writer’s extra-departmental coursework is flexible, program participants are expected to take five workshops. The cross-genre workshops function less as editorial sessions or as explications of craft techniques than as vibrant skill-sharing intellectual roundtables. UCSD’s writers generate dazzlingly diverse collaborations in writing and literary/arts events, many of which result in various forms of publication. Both faculty and graduate projects tend to repurpose, interweave, hack, and muddle generic categories and/or radically elasticize their conventions.
The MFA in Writing is awarded upon the satisfactory completion of the requirements below. There is no written final examination for the degree but great weight is given to the candidate’s final presentation and capstone discussion of the thesis/final project.
Students must complete 72 units (equivalent of 18 4-unit courses) of approved coursework, distributed as described below. Graduate seminars must be taken for a "Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory" grade when possible. There is an “MFA Requirements Worksheet” for use in monitoring academic progress (see the "Forms" page of the website).
More details on specific requirements and course options is found in the “Planning Your Coursework” section below.
As noted above, the department requires that each MFA student acquire apprentice teaching experience before completing the degree. The minimum amount required is one academic quarter of 50% teaching assistantships. This teaching, with the guidance and support of a supervising professor, includes conducting discussion sections and related activities in a variety of undergraduate courses. Academic credit is granted for the training given under the apprentice teaching program (4 units of credit towards the 12 unit minimum for each quarter). Most students enrolled in the MFA program can expect to teach in one of the college writing programs or in the Literature Department. See the “Financial Support” page of the handbook for more information.
You must give two public readings or performances of your work—a presentation of your first year's work during Spring quarter of your first year and a presentation of your final project during the graduating quarter. The events are organized by the MFA Program and are held on campus.
You must complete a final project consisting of a manuscript of fiction (120 pages) or poetry (65 pages) or cross-genre (65-85 pages) that your MFA committee deems to be of high quality. The manuscript will be the culmination of 2-3 years of coursework and will have undergone extensive editing and revision before submission for the final project.
You must meet with your thesis committee during your graduating quarter for a discussion of the final project. The committee will be composed of four faculty members you select—three from the Literature Department and one from another department.
In planning their course of study, students should consult with the MFA Director, their Committee Chair, and other MFA faculty members. It is also expected that students will update their MFA Requirements Worksheet each quarter and send it to the staff advisors to confirm their course selection meets the MFA Program’s course requirements. Course information is available at the sites below. Graduate seminars are numbered 200-299. Upper-division courses are numbered 100-199.
It is strongly recommended that graduate students enroll in graduate courses whenever possible for their MFA requirements, however students may also consider enrolling in upper-division undergraduate courses (100-190), with some restrictions:
Students should be sure to fulfill all their MFA course requirements before taking any additional courses for their own interest.
Some course numbers may be taken more than once for credit, as they are topics courses with unique content each offering. Please check with the advising staff if you have any questions about a particular course number. Please keep in mind that there will always be a maximum number of times students may take a specific course for credit, and this total does include any instance(s) where the student took the course previous to the MFA Program (through UCSD Extension or in an undergraduate program at UCSD, for example).
Some graduate seminars and all undergraduate courses have enrollment restrictions, e.g., "Prerequisites: Upper-division standing or departmental approval." A restriction may be specified in the course description or it may pop up as an error message when the student attempts to enroll in the course in WebReg.
If students do not meet the defined course restriction to enroll, they must submit a request via the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy – Generally, requests are routed to the course instructor, and the student is notified of their decision by email (after the department staff add the necessary override codes). However, every program and department has its own process for handling preauthorization requests, so students need to reach out to the specific department if they have any questions.
In working towards complete their specific course requirements for the MFA degree, students should note the following policies regarding course options and relevant processes for each MFA requirement.
All MFA students must complete LTTH 250 Writing and Theory and LTTH 255 Modern Art Movements during their first two years in the program. The courses are offered in alternate years. Both courses must be completed at UCSD.
Students in the PhD Program have priority registration in these seminars, so MFA students will need to submit pre-authorization requests via the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy – These requests will be auto-approved for MFA students after the priority registration period for PhD students. It is recommended that you submit your request early and have a backup registration plan in place (in case the course fills before you can enroll).
Only the following courses are pre-approved to fulfill this requirement:
If students identify another course in the art practice or theory (outside of Literature) that fits their research interests, they must submit a petition for the course to apply to the MFA requirements. Petitions must be submitted to the advising staff, and the petition requires rationale. See the “Forms” page of the website.
Enrollment in the LTWR 295 course (“MFA Thesis”) is restricted to second-year and their-year students. The instructor of record for the independent study should be the student’s Committee Chair (or another member of their thesis committee, if their Committee Chair is not available that quarter). The instructor of record is used for course creation and adding a grade at the end of the quarter; it does not restrict the student to only working with that faculty member. During the LTWR 295, students may consult with any (available) members of their thesis committee, as long as they keep the instructor of record informed and updated.
The department creates independent study courses if and only if the student submits an Independent Study Request Form (see the “Forms” page of the website) and the instructor of record approves the request.
Enrollment in the LTWR 298 course (“Directed Studies”) is limited to 4 units per quarter. MFA students may propose an individualized independent study course (for the “6 courses open to choice” requirement) when seminar offerings do not cover subjects, genres, or authors of interest. The instructor of record is used for course creation and adding a grade at the end of the quarter; it must be a permanent MFA faculty member (lecturers cannot supervise independent study courses). LTWR 298 courses must include writing projects to earn an S grade (and potentially count towards the MFA requirements.
The department creates independent study courses if and only if the student submits an Independent Study Request Form (see the “Forms” page of the website) and the instructor of record approves the request. It is recommended that student follow these steps in requesting an independent study:
Once the course is created and the student is enrolled, each LTWR 298 course must be petitioned to apply to the MFA requirements. These petitions must be submitted to the advising staff, and the petitions require rationale. See the “Forms” page of the website.
MFA in Writing students must complete at least 4 units of teaching apprenticeship for the degree. TAships usually provide 2 units of credit if 25% time and 4 units if 50% time, but students should refer to their hiring department for their standard. Readerships and GSR positions do not offer academic credit and cannot be used for the teaching apprenticeship requirement.
Teaching credit is not awarded automatically; you must enroll in the correct 500 course, in the section taught by your TAship supervisor (usually the course instructor or Writing Program director). If TA'ing for Literature, the course number is LTWL 500. If TA'ing outside of Literature, obtain the course number from the TA coordinator who made the offer of employment.
See the “Financial Support” section of the handbook for more details on the Teaching Assistant position from the employee perspective (versus the academic requirement).
Please read About Grades and Grading System before proceeding.
MFA graduate students are required to select the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading option for graduate courses (whenever available). A grade of S indicates that the student has finished the seminar requirements in a satisfactory manner and at a level equal to that of the other students enrolled in the seminar. A grade of U indicates that the graduate student's performance was not on par with that of the other students. To maintain acceptable graduate status and continuation of funding, students may have no more than eight units of U or F grades on their academic record.
Instructors may assign the Incomplete grade when a student's work is of non-failing quality but is incomplete for good cause (illness, for example). If you are not passing a class because you have simply fallen behind, you are not eligible for an Incomplete. The student must be able to provide documentation to justify the awarding of an Incomplete (such as a doctor’s note), if the instructor requests it.
The graduate student must complete the work or paper by the date set by the instructor. This date can be no later than the 10th week of the following quarter, excluding Summer Session (i.e., an incomplete received in Spring quarter must be resolved by the end of Fall quarter). If the work is not completed by the deadline, the Incomplete will automatically lapse to an Unsatisfactory (U) or Failure (F) at the end of the quarter following the awarding of the Incomplete.
In the unfortunate circumstance of a student receiving a grade of D, F, or U, campus allows for students to repeat the course (within some restrictions). Please review the campus policies on repeating a course. If the course is already repeatable for credit (based on varying topics), students will need to show that they are able to repeat the same topic as their original failed course. In this case, students should contact staff advising at for guidance.
For graduate students, a petition to repeat the course must be submitted to the Graduate Division for approval prior to enrollment. Submit the petition online in the Graduate Student Portal.
What will you do with your MFA? Start thinking about it—and preparing for it—during your first quarter in the program.
Students are asked to submit a short profile and photo to the advising staff at the start of the program, and they may submit updates throughout the program (as needed). These student profiles are posted on our websitehelp build the MFA students’ sense of community and provide information for potential publicity pieces, such as announcements about student readings.
The profile is a brief summary (~100 words) of the student's interests and accomplishments. Suggested topics are—
The photo should be a headshot, portrait orientation, and it may be cropped/resized by the department to meet the department’s posting standards.
MFA students are encouraged to create an individualized development plan and share it with their primary faculty advisor during their first year in the program. The IDP is a student's overall plan for advancing toward their artistic and professional goals during their time in the program and beyond.
It is your responsibility to create a plan and seek the advising and mentoring needed to execute it.
Start by thinking about where you want to be 10 years from now and the different possibilities for employment and a writing life post-MFA. What are your artistic, professional and career objectives? Here are some of the things our students have done after graduation:
Once you have compiled your list of objectives, create a list of goals to focus on during the 2-3 years of your MFA program. (The entire training period needs to be considered in the IDP as goals may have to be pursued in a particular sequence.) Suggested areas include—
Next, draft your IDP (see the IDP Sample Form available on the "Forms" page of the website), and then arrange to meet with your faculty advisor to discuss it (bring your CV to the meetings as well). Your advisor will help you refine your goals, identify competencies to be developed, and suggest possible mentors.
Once you have determined what training or experiences you need in order to achieve your goals, write an action plan to address a few of these needs each year and add it to your IDP.
Meet with your advisors and mentors as frequently as needed to assess your progress and revise your plan. You may need to reassess your goals as you gain more insight about your interests and strengths over the course of the program.
MFA students are encouraged to create a new CV or update an existing CV during Fall quarter of their first year. It is recommended that students send a copy to their primary faculty advisor for feedback (and whenever there are significant updates).
You should be prepared to provide your up-to-date CV when applying for—
The CV is a summary of your artistic, academic and professional achievements. While there is no standard format, CVs often include the following information:
Is your CV a little skimpy? Make an appointment with your faculty advisor to discuss your Individualized Development Plan (more on this above). As you attain goals and experiences on your IDP, be sure to add them to your CV.