2020-2021 Honors Students
There are two annual undergraduate awards that are dedicated to the Honors Program thesis projects. The Sherley Williams Memorial Award in Literary Arts is bestowed upon the highest rated literary arts thesis, and the Burckhardt Honors Award in Literary/Cultural Criticism is bestowed upon the highest rated literary/cultural criticism thesis. The 2020-2021 winners are noted below.
Elisa Ady
Winner of the Sherley Williams Memorial Award in Literary Arts!
Literatures in English major
Thesis Title: Field God the First
Thesis Advisor: Andrea Mendoza
Sarah Arain
Literatures in English major
Thesis Title: Muslima in America: Resisting Representations of the "Home" and Reclaiming Space for the "Homebody"
Thesis Advisor: Kathryn Walkiewicz
Avery Ardent
Literatures in English major
Thesis Title: Mirrors of Obscurity and Violence: Reclaiming Personhood Within Oceanic Poetics
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
Meryem Bahadir
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: The Laundromat
Thesis Advisor: Alain Cohen
Anna Box
Winner of the Burckhardt Honors Award in Literary/Cultural Criticism!
Literatures in English major
Thesis Title: How to Build a Better Keats: A Theoretical Guidebook
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
Tajairi Brown-Neuson
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: An Excerpt of Midnight Beauty
Thesis Advisor: Anna Joy Springer
Sabrina Chen
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Human
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Becky Chun
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Fairy Floating
Thesis Advisor: Jin-kyung Lee
Stephanie Duncan
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: (Grand) Daughter
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
Brianna Fluhrer
Literatures in English major
Thesis Title: Eat, Pray, Law: Civic Engagement Through the Lens of Consumption
Thesis Advisor: Sal Nicolazzo
Nathalie Franco
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Atravesando el Cuerpo: Arboreal Cartographies: La Linea
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Rachel Gorgas
World Literature & Culture major
Thesis Title: The Comedy of Manners, Social Responsibility, and Cancel Culture: A Seemingly Endless Thesis for Cerebral People
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
Fartoon Hagi-Mohamed
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Walaalo
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Ryan Harper
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Dying in Moreland
Thesis Advisor: Jac Jemc
Angelica Ilagan
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: In My Father's House Are Many Rooms
Thesis Advisor: Anna Joy Springer
Natalie Knudsen
Literatures in English major
Thesis Title: Technological Trauma in Dystopian Fiction: Watch Me on Your Video Phone
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
August Laubscher
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Uncanny
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
Cameron LaZenberry
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Neutral Territory
Thesis Advisor: Amy Sara Carroll
Marina Lee
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: King Artemis and Their Familial Pocket
Thesis Advisor: Jac Jemc
David London
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: An Exploration of Various Words, Ideas, Concepts, and Other Terms Both Similar and Different to Those: A Glossary
Thesis Advisor: Seth Lerer
Anna Lynch
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: My True Self
Thesis Advisor: Jac Jemc
Scotlyn MacDonald
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Seastead
Thesis Advisor: Anna Joy Springer
Cameron Mefford
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Thasimia
Thesis Advisor: Camille Forbes
Katrina Ngo
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Between Two Earths
Thesis Advisor: Jac Jemc
Arianna Nuñez
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: The Fire and the Lake
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Sharon Park
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Psalmist
Thesis Advisor: Kazim Ali
Victoria Pham
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: I Dreamt of You: A Ghost Story
Thesis Advisor: Erin Suzuki
Ryan Phung
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: The Conqueror: A Play in Three Acts
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Emily Ramsey
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: The Threshing Floor
Thesis Advisor: Kazim Ali
Rachel Seo
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Counterfaith House
Thesis Advisor: Jac Jemc
Juliana Swanson
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Somewhere in Between: A Memoir
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Summer Thai
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: The Agent's Memories are Confidential
Thesis Advisor: Lily Hoàng
Yuling Wong
Literatures of the World major
Thesis Title: A Tale of Three Nations: Unpacking the Positional and Affective Complexities of Inter-Asian Colonialism across Japan, Singapore and Korea
Thesis Advisor: Jin-kyung Lee
Emily Wurst
Literature/Writing major
Thesis Title: Women, Simulations, and Ghosts
Thesis Advisor: Anna Joy Springer