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Eun Sun Tark

Unit 18 Lecturer

Eun Sun Tark
  • Arts & Humanities Bldg (RWAC)
    Room 364
    Mail Code: 0410
Office Hours

Eun Sun Tark is an experienced Korean language lecturer, specializing in second language education and Korean linguistics (specialization: phonetics/phonology). She holds a M.A degree in Linguistics from University of Kansas and a M.A. degree in English linguistics from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea. She holds a doctorate degree in Education from California State University, Los Angeles and for her dissertation she conducted research on acquisition of Korean language by English-speaking second language learners of Korean and pronunciation instruction. Her research interests are Korean linguistics (phonetics/phonology), second language acquisition, and language pedagogy/instruction.

Articles & Book Chapters

  • Tark, E. (2019). L2 Learner’s production and perception of Korean geminate nasal and liquid. Proceedings of the 2019 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Annual Convention & World Languages Expo.
  • Tark, E. (2019). Production and perception of singletons and geminate nasals and liquids in Korean by English-speaking L2 learners. Proceedings of the 24th AATK (American Association of Teachers of Korean) conference.
  • Tark, E. (2016). Acquisition of Korean Obstruents by English-speaking Second Language Learners of Korean and the Role of Pronunciation Instruction. n.p.: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Tark, E. (2016). Teaching pronunciation of Korean obstruents to English-speaking L2 learners. Proceedings of the 2016 ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Annual Convention & World Languages Expo.
  • Lee, S. & Tark, E. (2014). A Perception Study on Korean Obstruents by Heritage Korean Children in the United States. Journal of Korean Language Education. 25(2). 113-134.  LINK
  • Tark, E. & Lee, S. (2014). An Experimental Study on Korean Pitch Patterns of the First Syllable in an Accentual Phrase: A Case Study of Korean Heritage Teenage Learners in the United States. The Korean Society of Bilingualism. 54. 343-370.  LINK
  • Tark, E. (2012). An Experimental Study on Korean Rhythm Structure on the Basis of Rhythm Metrics. n.p.: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  • Tark, E. & Jang, T. (2009). An experimental study on declination of English utterances by native speakers and Korean learners of English. Proceedings of KSSS (Korean Society of Speech Sciences) 2009 Fall Conference. Seoul, Korea.
  • Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, California State University at Los Angeles, 2016
  • M.A. in Linguistics, University of Kansas at Lawrence, 2012
  • M.A. in English Linguistics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2009
  • B.A. in South Slavic Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2006