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Course Offerings 2022-2023 - Graduate

2022-2023 PhD Seminar Requirements

While you can view all the planned course offerings below, we are also providing a list of the seminars that are pre-approved to count towards specific seminar requirements (on the PhD Worksheet). Students will still need to fill out a petition form and submit it to, but petitions for these seminars towards these requirements will be automatically approved.  Please note that the approval for the listed languages will still require the instructors to verify students' language proficiency.  Students should reach out to the instructor to discuss what they specifically will be requiring for demonstration of this proficiency.

Fall 2022 Winter 2023 Spring 2023
  • LTCO 201:As an LTCS course; As a language (Arabic) course
  • LTCO 287: As an LTCS course; As a language (Greek, Latin, French) course
  • LTCS 225: As an LTCO course; As an LTEN course; As a language (German) course
  • LTEN 252: As an LTCS course
  • LTCO 281: As an LTCS course; As a language (Chinese) course
  • LTCO 285: As an LTCS course; As a language (any) course
  • LTEN 245: As an LTCS course
  • LTEN 272: As an LTCO course; As an LTCS course
  • LTSP 272: As an LTCS course; As a language (Portuguese) course
  • LTCO 282: As an LTCS course; As a language (Spanish, French, Portuguese) course
  • LTCS 222: As an LTEN course; As an LTWR course
  • LTCS 225: As a language (Greek, Latin) course
  • LTCS 250: As an LTCO course; As an LTEN course
  • NOTE: LTEN 281 is meant for post-qual students planning to apply to jobs the next year.