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Rosaura Sánchez

Ph.D. (University of Texas-Austin)

Professor of Latin American Literature and Chicano Literature

Quarterly Office Hours


Critical Theory; Cultural Studies; Third World Studies; Gender Studies

Selected Publications:

Introduction to "The Squatter and the Don" (with Beatrice  Pita), María Amparo Ruiz de Burton, The Squatter and the Don.  Houston: Arte Público Press, 1992: 5-51, 375-381.

Chicano Discourse. A Socio-Historic Perspective. Rowley, Mass:  Newbury House, 1983. Reprinted by Houston: Arte Público Press, 1994.

"Introduction to Who Would Have Thought It?" (with Beatrice Pita), María Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Who Would Have Thought  It? Houston: Arte Público Press, 1995.

"Calculated Musings: Richard Rodríguez' Metaphysics of Difference," The Ethnic Canon, ed. David Palumbo-Liu. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995: 153-173.

Telling Identities. The Californio Testimonios. Minneapolis:  University of Minnesota Press, 1995.

"Reconstructing Chicana Gender Identity," American Literary  History, 9.2 (Summer 1997): 350-363.