Marcel Hénaff
Agrégation de Philosophie (Paris)
Ph.D. (University of Copenhagen)
Distinguished Research Professor of French Section (Philosophy and Anthropology)
Adjunct Professor of Political Science
Primary Office: LIT 329
Primary Phone: (858) 534-3538
Email: |
Continental Philosophy; Cultural Anthropology; Political Philosophy; Narrative Forms; Visual Arts; Architecture and Urbanism; Cultural Cognition
Homo Politicus. Alliance, Conflit, Reconnaissance, Paris, Seuil, forthcoming 2015 - [Homo Politicus. Alliance, Conflict, Recognition- in progress].
Violence dans la raison? Conflit et cruauté, Paris, L'Herne, 2014; 240 p.
Le Don des philosophes. Repenser la réciprocité. Paris: Le Seuil, 2012 [German translation, Transcript Verlag, Berlin, 2014; Russian translation, Moscow Fall 2014; Arabic translation, Cairo, in progress 2015]
Dentro il pensiero selvaggio. L’antropologo e i filosofi. Conversazione : Claude Lévi-Strauss & Marcel Hénaff - Milano, Medusa, 2013.
The Price of Truth: Gift, Money, Philosophy, Stanford University Press, 2010. Original : Le Prix de la Vérité: Le don, l’argent, la philosophie Paris: Editions du Seuil, 2002.
- Grand Prize 2002 of Philosophy from the French Academy
- Prize of Philosophy 2002 from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Paris.
- Faculty Research Award, University of California San Diego 2011
- Italian translation: Città Aperta, Roma, 2006; German transl. Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2009 - Spanish translation in progress; Korean transl. in progress.
Le Passeur de sens, Paris, Perrin-Tempus, 2008 [Engl. transl. in progress]
La Ville qui vient, Paris, L’Herne, 2008 [Spanish trans. La Ciudad que viene, Edic. LOM, Santiago Chile, 2014 ; English transl. City in the Making, in progress]
Public Space and Democracy. Ed. With Tracy Strong. University of Minnesota Press, 2001.
Claude Lévi-Strauss and the Making of Structural Anthropology, University of Minnesota Press, 1998 [Original French version 1991, repr. 2000 & 2011; Russian transl., 2009]
Sade, the Invention of the Libertine Body. University of Minnesota Press, 1999 [Original French version 1978; Spanish trans. Ediciones Destino, Barcelona, 1980; Russian trans. Humanatoria Academia, St Petersburg, 2005].
Journals - Special issues:
"Politics on Stage." Editor. Substance 80 (fall 1996).
"Passions et Politique." Co-editor Rue Descartes, 12.13 (spring 1995), Paris.
"Lévi-Strauss: nature, langage, signes, symbolisme." Editor journal Philosophie, # 82 Summer 2008, Paris.
Articles [selection]
"Kosmische Schuld, symbolische Schuld, financielle Schuld. Paradigmen des Gleichgewichts und der Zeit", in Th. Macho Ed. Bonds. Schuld, Schulden und andere Verbinlichtkeiten, Paderborn, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2014; pp. 33-54.
"The Humanities, the Arts and the Market. Total social fact and the question of meaning" in Giving and Taking. Antidotes to a culture of greed, Joke Bower & Sjoerd Van Tuinen Ed., V2 Publishing, Rotterdam, 2014.
"Die Bühne der Macht" [Stage of Power] Lettre International # 105, Berlin, May 2014.
"Le don perverti. Pour une anthropologie de la corruption", Esprit, Févr. 2014 pp. 45-56.
"Grazia, Opera d'arte e spazio publico" Lettera Internazionale, Roma December 2013.
"Living with others. Lévi-Strauss and reciprocity" in Yale French Studies - Special issue on Lévi-Strauss ; Ed. Robert Doran, Spring 2013, #123, pp. 63-82.
"Ceremonial Gift-Giving: The Lessons of Anthropology with Mauss and beyond" in Gift in Antiquity, M.L. Satlow Ed., Wiley-Balckwell, Oxford, 2013, pp. 12-24.
"L’intangibile e l’inestimabile" - Lettera internazionale, Roma, June 2013 pp. 30- 37.
"Paradoxe du pouvoir, crise de l’autorité et reconnaissance. Réflexion sur le mal politique" Archives of Philosophy, LXXXI, Spring, 2013, 1-2, pp. 81-97.
"Zeremonielle Gabe, Alterität und Anerkennung" in Journal für Religionsphilosophie, Dresden, 2- Oktober- 2013, pp. 15-30.
"Ceremonial Gift-Giving: The Lessons of Anthropology with Mauss and Beyond" in Gift in Antiquity, Ed. M.L. Satlow, Wiley-Balckwell, Oxford, 2013, pp. 12-24.
"Die immateriallen Güter" [On Immaterial Goods] Lettre International # 10 - Berlin, April 2013, pp.123-128.
"Formes de l’espace construit, formes de la pensée : du village bororo à la ville réseau" in J.P. Changeux Ed. La vie des formes et les formes de la vie, Éditions Odile Jacob Collège de France, Paris, 2012, pp. 187-215.
"Schulden und Menschen" - Lettre International, # 96, Spring 2012 pp. 7-14.
"Vivre avec les autres. Réciprocité et altérité chez Lévi-Strauss" in Claude Lévi-Strauss et ses contemporains, Ed. Pierre Guenancia et Jean-Pierre Sylvestre, Paris, PUF, 2012, pp. 157-180.
"Globale Urbanität. Die Stadt als Monument, Maschine, Netzwerk und öffentlicher Raum" Lettre International, [Berlin] December 2011, # 95, pp. 98-212.
"Rite, prière et actes de langage" in Dire la croyance religieuse, Ed. B. Kanabus & Julien Maréchal, Peter Lang, NY- Bruxelles, 2012 : 121-150
"Salary, Justice, and Gift. The work of the teacher" Western Humanities Review [WHR], Fall 2011, 65.3 Special issue: Economics and Humanities, pp.159-176.
"Terror und Rache" [Terror and Vengeance] - Lettre International [Berlin] # 94 Sept. 2011, pp.11-24.
"Reading, Writing and translating" - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal - The New School for Social Research, Vol. 313, #1, 2010, pp.159-180.
"Lévi-Strauss and the question of symbolism." Ed. B. Wiseman, A Cambridge Campanion to Claude Lévi-Strauss , Cambridge, 2009, pp. 177-195.
"Das Ende der Blutigen Opfer" [The End of Bloody Sacrifices] in W. Schweidler Ed. Opfer in Leben und Tod, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 2009 ; pp. 49-70.
"The Anecdotal: Truth in Detail," in A. Loselle Ed. "The Anecdote," Substance, No. 118 - Vol. 38, 1, 2009 - pp. 97-111.
"The Aporia of Pure Gift and the Aim of Reciprocity; Derrida and the question of Giving" in Eds S. Guerlac & Phen Cheah, Derrida and the Time of the Political, Duke U Press, 2008, pp. 215-234.
"The Mythologigues. Between lingusitics and music" Cognitive Semiotics, No 3, Fall 2008.
"Gift, Market and Social Justice." R. Gotoh & P. Dumouchel Ed. Against Injustice. The new Economics of Amartya Sen; Cambridge U P, 2009.
"Global Terror, Global Vengeance." Substance # 115, vol. 37; Ed. R. Doran, Public culture after 9/11, 2008
"La condition brisée des langues: diversité humaine, altérité et traduction." Esprit (mars- avril 2006): 64-88.
"Gift Exchange, Play and Deception." Deception in Markets. Ed. C. Gerschlager. London: Palgrave McMillan, 2004. 323-35.
"Religious Ethics, Gift Exchange and Capitalism."European Journal of Sociology 3 (2004): 293-324.
"La dette de sang et l’exigence de justice." Victimes, violences, vengeances. Ed. Paul Dumouchel. Laval: Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2001.
"Utopia Latina, American Dream." Utopía y experiencia en la idea americana. Ed. E. Torres-Cuevas. La Habana: Ediciones Imagen Contemporanea, 1999. 1-20.
"The Naked Terror." Substance # 86 (Fall 1998): 5-33
"Of Stones, Angels and Humans: Serres and the Global City." Substance # 83 (1997): 59-80.
"The Stage of Power." Substance # 80 (Fall 1996): 7-29.
"The Cannibalistic City: Rousseau, the Large Number and the Abuse of Social Bond." Substance 63 (1992).