

History and Theory

LTTH 250 - Writing and Theory (4)
An overview of issues in modern critical theory as they pertain to writers. Will focus on issues of textuality, cultural forms, and aesthetics as they impact the process and meaning of writing. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor, and departmental approval.

LTTH 255 - Modern Art Movements and Aesthetics (4)
An introduction to modernist aesthetics with a focus on art and literary movements. Particular attention to be placed on relationships between modern literary movements (Realism, Imagism, Surrealism) and their counterparts in visual arts, music, dance, and theater, and the ways in which literary movements are components of or responses to issues of political and social identity. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor, and departmental approval.

Writing Workshops

LTWR 200 - Fiction Workshop (4)
A weekly meeting between a faculty member, guest fiction writers, and a small group of MFA students for focused discussion of new student writing produced during the time of the workshop. The workshop guides students toward beginning the full-length manuscript that will constitute their MFA project. May be taken for credit 5 times as topics will vary. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor, and departmental approval.

LTWR 202 - Poetry Workshop (4)
A weekly meeting between a single faculty member, occasional guest poets, and a small group of MFA students engaged in a discussion of new student work produced during the time of the workshop. There will be assigned readings and some writing exercises to give the course focus. May be taken for credit 5 times as topics will vary. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor, and departmental approval.

LTWR 215 - Cross-Genre Workshop (4)
In this generative workshop, writers create intergenre works and practice unconventional workshopping techniques that function less as editorial roundtables and more as discussions of the relationships between aesthetics and culture. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor, and departmental approval.

Graduate Seminars in Literature

Partial list --- see complete list at

LTWR 298 - Special Projects: Writing Course (1-12)
This course may be designed according to an individual student’s needs when seminar offerings do not cover subjects, genres, or authors of interest. A paper is required. May be applied toward the guided research or graduate seminar in Literature requirement of the MFA program. Repeatable for credit up to 4 times.

Graduate Seminars in an Art Practice or Theory

This is a sample list of courses that will satisfy the Art Practice or Theory requirement. Visit the department websites to view course descriptions and current offerings.

MUS 206 - Experimental Studies Seminar (4 units)
MUS 208A - Critical Methods and Creative Identities (4 units)
MUS 208B - Experimental Music Practices (4 units)
MUS 208C - World Music Perceptions (4 units)
TDGR 204A - Text Analysis (4)
TDGR 250 - Playwriting Seminar (4)
TDGR 254 - Television Writing (4)
TDGR 257 - Screenwriting (4)
TDGR 258 - Dramatization and Adaptation (4)
TDGR 268 - Storyboarding(4)
TDGR 290 - Dramatic Literature and Theatre History Prior to 1900 (4)
TDGR 291 - Dramatic Literature and Theatre History 1900 to Present (4)
Visual Arts
VIS 210 - Narrative (4)
VIS 211 - Fact and Fiction (4)
VIS 212 - History and Memory (4)
VIS213 - Public Space (4)
VIS 215 - Human Interface (4)
VIS 216 - The Object (4)
VIS 218N - Imaging Selves and Others (4)
VIS 219 - Special Topics in Art Practice/Theory (4)

MFA Thesis

LTWR 295 - MFA Thesis (1-12)

Research for master's thesis. May be repeated for credit up to 12 times. Prerequisites: Open to MFA students only.