Your annual costs for tuition/fees during the 2-3 years of your program may range from $600 to approximately $30,000, depending on your circumstances:
Are you a resident or nonresident for tuition purposes?
If nonresident, do you qualify for an exemption or waiver from nonresident tuition?
If nonresident, can you satisfy the criteria for establishing residency during the first year of your program?
Will you be awarded a fellowship that covers all or part of your tuition/fees?
Will you obtain a Teaching Assistantship or Readership at 25% time or more each academic quarter?
Residents are charged $14,381 in tuition and fees for the 9-month school year. Nonresidents are charged the above plus $15,102 in supplemental tuition for a total of $29,483. These amounts are subject to change. Please check Graduate Student Tuition and Fees (OGS) for the latest chart.
Student health insurance (SHIP) is included in the fees.
Academic student employees (TAs, Readers) may be eligible for partial remissions. See Funding for details.
Students pay tuition/fees in three installments (September, December, and March). TAs may be eligible to pay the resident portion of tuition/fees by monthly payroll deductions.