The Department of Literature intends to propose changes to the MFA degree. If approved by UCSD's Graduate Council, the changes will apply to new and continuing MFA students effective Fall 2012.
While the proposal has not been finalized, the following paragraphs give an indication of the scope and nature of the changes being discussed:
History & Theory Courses. LTTH 250 and 255 will no longer be offered. In order to fulfill their 8 units of History and Theory requirements, students will be required to take two courses in the introductory theory sequence, LTTH 200A-B-C. Alternately, they can choose to take one course in the LTTH 200 sequence and one of the following courses: LTCO 285, Literature and Aesthetics; LTWR 124, Translation of Literary Texts Workshop; LTTH 115, Translation Theory and Practice. [Updated 10/31/11 - No changes to current requirements. Students will continue to take LTTH 250 and 255.]
Workshops. Students will take the LTWR 215 Cross-Genre Workshop six times (24 units) five times (20 units). In this course they will have the option of generating fiction, poetry, and/or multi- and inter-genre writing. The LTWR 200 Fiction Workshop and LTWR 202 Poetry Workshop will no longer be offered. [Updated 11/17/11.]
Apprentice Teaching. Students will be required to complete 4 to 24 units of guided teaching. Students may petition to substitute coursework for teaching units.
Thesis. Students can submit, with the prior approval of their thesis advisor and committee, a textual object in lieu of a conventional manuscript.
Specializations. Applicants to the program will no longer be required to choose a specialization in fiction or poetry.
The new degree requirements will be published on this website before the December 1 application deadline for 2012 admission April 15 deadline for accepting admission. Please subscribe to mfawriting-l to be notified by email when the final version is available. [Updated 11/17/11.]
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Ask the graduate coordinator.