- lmartincabrera@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-3468
Arts & Humanities Bldg (RWAC)
Room 234
Mail Code: 0410
Associate Professor
Luis Martín-Cabrera is an associate professor in the Literature Department and the Latin American Studies Program at UC, San Diego. He is a specialist in Environmental Humanities, oral history, Latin American Studies, and anti-colonial thought. Originally trained as a specialist in Spanish and Latin American cultural studies, Martín-Cabrera has written extensively about human rights and memory, television, film, and hip-hop music in Spain, the Southern Cone, and the Andean region.
More recently, Professor Martín-Cabrera has been studying climate change and the “green transition” from a Latin American perspective. This interest has produced three interrelated projects. A digital archive –the Transandean Lithium Project ; a book length project tentatively titled, Ecocolonialism in the Andes: a Posthumanist Critique of the Green Transition from Latin America, which theorizes the pitfalls of the green turn in the Global North from an Andean perspective, and a memoir/nonfiction book -- Antes que desaparezca el río/ Before the Rivers Dissapears-- which establish a dialogue between rural Spain and the Andes around the potential death of a river.
Pronouns: He/His/Él
Languages: Spanish, French