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Jeyseon Lee

Senior Continuing Lecturer

Office Hours

Jeyseon Lee is a Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of the Korean Language Program at the University of California, San Diego. She holds a Ph.D. in Korean Linguistics from the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her research interests are Korean linguistics, second language acquisition, curriculum development for second/foreign language courses, language pedagogy and instruction. She was selected as a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award for the 2020-2021 academic year by the Academic Senate of the University of California, San Diego.

Languages: English, Korean

Essential Korean Idioms book coverEssential Korean Proverbs book coverEssential Korean 4-Character Idioms book coverBeginner's Korean with Online Audio book coverReadings in Modern Korean Literature book cover


  • Essential Korean 4-Charater Idioms by Jeyseon Lee and Youseon Lee (Kong & Park Inc., Seoul, Korea, 2024)
  • Essential Korean Proverbs by Jeyseon Lee and Youseon Lee (Kong & Park Inc., Seoul, Korea, 2021)
  • Essential Korean Idioms by Jeyseon Lee and Youseon Lee (Seoul Selection, Seoul, Korea, 1st edition in 2017 & 2nd edition in 2022)
  • Pocket Guide to Korean Script by Jeyseon Lee and Kangjin Lee (Hippocrene Books, Inc., New York, NY, 2014)
  • Korean-English/English-Korean Standard Dictionary by Jeyseon Lee and Kangjin Lee (Hippocrene Books, Inc., New York, NY, 2009)
  • Beginner’s Korean by Jeyseon Lee and Kangjin Lee (Hippocrene Books, Inc., New York, NY, 2007)
  • Korean Dictionary & Phrasebook by Jeyseon Lee and Kangjin Lee (Hippocrene Books, Inc., New York, NY, 2005)
  • Modern Korean Literature by Yung-Hee Kim and Jeyseon Lee [KLEAR (Korean Language Education and Research Center) Textbook Series] (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI, 2004)

Articles & Book Chapters

  • "History of the Korean Program at the University of California, San Diego - Celebrating Its First Twenty-Five Years" in Rise of Korean Language Programs in U.S. Institute of Higher Education: A Narrative History (Korea University Press, Seoul, Korea, 2015)
  • "Standards for Korean Language Learning의 Indicator 수정을 위한 제안: Suggestions for the Revision of Indicators for the Standards for Korean Language Learning" in Studies in Korean Linguistics and Language Pedagogy, Festschrift for Dr. Ho-min Sohn (Korea University Press, Seoul, Korea, 2013)
  • "Korean Proverbs" in Korean Language in Culture and Society [KLEAR (Korean Language Education and Research Center) Textbook Series]
    (University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI, 2005)
  • "중급 한국어 학습자들에게서 나타나는 오류의 유형과 그 치유방안 Error Analysis and Corrective Measure for Intermediate Korean Learners" in Proceedings from the fourth AATK (American Association of Teachers of Korean) Conference (2000)
  • "캐주얼 스피치에 나타나는 수의적 축약 현상에 대한 연구 Optional Morpho-phonological reduction in Korean Casual Speech" in 태능어문연구(tae-neung-eo-mun-yeon-gu) vol.8, (Seoul Women’s University Press, Seoul, Korea, 1999)
  • "한국어 경어법 체계의 변화와 경어법 교육을 위한 제안 Honorific Variation and Its Pedagogical Implications" in Proceedings from the first AATK (American Association of Teachers of Korean) Conference (1995)
  • "Morpho-phonological Reanalysis in the Hada Verb" in Festschrift for Dr. I.S. Lee (Seoul Women’s University Press, Seoul, Korea, 1995)
  • Ph.D. in Korean Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1996
  • M.A in Korean Linguistics, Seoul Women’s University, 1991
  • B.A. in Korean Language and Literature, Seoul Women’s University, 1988
  • Korean Language Teacher Certificate, Department of Education, Korean Government, 1988