Jaime Concha
Ph.D. (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
Professor Emeritus of Latin American Literature
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Primary Phone: Contact Department
Guggenheim Fellow
Jaime Concha trained in Chile and France, is author of several books and a good number of essays on contemporary poetry, nineteenth-century narrative, and sixteenth-century political ideas.
Selected Publications:
"From the Modernism of Adorno to the Contemporaneity of Marx," Foreword to Neil Larsen, Modernism and Hegemony. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990.
"Reflexiones sobre el Modernismo: Una dualidad significativa,"; Mapocho (Santiago de Chile), 31 (1992): 49-56.
"In the Threshold of Facundo" Sarmiento, Author of a Nation, eds. T. Halperin Donghi et al. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
"Bello y su gestión superestructural en Chile," Revista de crítica literatura latinoamericana (Berkeley and Lima), 22.43-44 (1996): 139-161.
"Rodo's Ariel or the Notion of Youth,"; Bridging the Atlantic, ed. Marina López de Mendiola. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996: 107-127.
Edition, Introduction and Notes, Alberto Blest Gana, Martín Rivas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. (Translation of the Introduction by Beatrice Pita.)
"Función histórica de la vanguardia: el caso chileno," Revista de crítica literatura latinoamericana (Berkeley and Lima), 48 (Second Semester 1998): 10-23.
"Lo local en los cuentos de Rulfo," Revista canadiense de estudios hispanicos (Winter 1998): 203-214.
La sangre y lasletras. La Habana: Casa de las Américas, 1988.