Frequently Asked Questions, continued.

What is your policy on deferring admissions?

If you decide to defer, your application will have to be reconsidered the following year along with all the new applications we receive. You are not guaranteed admission.

How can I check to see if the department has received my application and supporting documents?

The Graduate Office will notify you if we are missing any documents. We will not contact you unless documents are missing.

I do not speak a foreign language. Can I start studying one once I get into the Program?

Once you are in the program, it is very difficult to start learning a language. Learning a language requires many hours of study, and you run the risk of getting behind in the program.

Students entering the Literature Ph.D. program are expected to demonstrate a graduate-level working knowledge of a language other than that of their specialization. For French, German, Spanish and Italian, this is generally construed to mean at least two years of undergraduate study; for Latin and Greek, at least three years; for Chinese, at least four years. Ph.D. students are required to take at least two seminars in a language other than that of their intended specialization. (The Comparative Literature section requires seminars or the equivalent in two foreign languages). Competence in reading, understanding, and interpreting both literary and critical texts in a second language, and --when appropriate--ability to follow seminar discussions or lectures in a second or third language must be demonstrated by the end of the sixth quarter of study.

Can I contact some of your students? I would like to ask them some questions.

A list of our graduate students and contact information can be found on the Graduate Student Profiles Page. Please be respectful of the students' time.
Ph.D. Program Student Advising:
Kristin Carnohan
Graduate Coordinator
115 Literature Building
(858) 534-3217

Application Deadline:
December 1, 2011
Online Application